
What was the task you were asked to complete?
We were asked to recreate some cartoon style images in the application called 
"Illustrator", which I have had no previous experience with.

How successful were you at completing this task?
Pretty successful considering I have had no experience with such programs.

What skills did you have to use to complete this task?
I had to use the pen tool, which I had used before in previous programs, and the shape tool.

In what ways were your skillset challenged during this project?
They were somewhat challenged by this project as having 0 experience with this program 
but I had some skills that carried over from previous applications.

If you were to carry out the production again, what changes would you make?
That I knew how to use the "cut" tool I can now add more detail precisely.

If you were to carry out post-production again, what changes would you make?

How did you perform working in a group?

How did you perform working independently?
I feel like even if I did perform in a group my work will not have changed?

What aspect of the project did you enjoy the most?
The recreating of a different image as we had more freedom to choose.

How could you apply the skills you learned in this project to future projects?
My further experience with the "pen" tool could easily carry over to projects in the future.
